Blessed Virgin Mary Presented in the Temple

God has placed in the human heart, a desire to know the Truth and every man is always in Search of this Truth and we are restless until we make ours the infinite riches of the Truth. Mary Mother of Jesus, realizing and responding to this inner thirst presented herself to the Lord in the Temple of Jerusalem at the age of three.
The tender heart of Mary was filled with immense joy, the joy of belonging to the Supreme forever. She allowed herself to the educated in order to become entirely under the influence of grace to fulfil Gods designs. She was formed by the power of God which is at work in every life and then transformed to be the Living Temple which the son of the God was pleased to make his adobe. Being a silent adorer of God’s presence and his divine will she ever remains as a golden star in the History of Human Salvation.
Every life needs an ideal for its realization. May Mary who is the ‘pupil of Grace’ stands as the perfect model of discipleship to meditate as she is the patroness of this institution, the temple of knowledge.